Vir Cotto's BDSM Blog

Mini Quiches and Kink

When I was ten, I went to my first bar mitzvah and I had mini-quiches.

I fell in love. They were small, cute, and tasted so good! I also tried pigs in a blanket, and other amazing appetizers. I love appetizers. I don't need the entree- I'm happy with appetizers …

Baby Yoda, Sadistic Impluses, Cuteness and What it Means for Kink

I just finished watching this video by Wisecrack on the link between sadistic impulses and cuteness:

Towards the end of the video, the video postulates that our desire for cuteness is bound towards our desire to be powerful and care for the cute object. Backed by the psychological evidence presented …

Notes from the Neurodiversity Event at TES on March 26th

Last week, The Eulenspiegel Society invited me to run a discussion on the topic of neurodiversity and its intersection with the BDSM community at large, including experiences, challenges for both those with cognitive disabilities as well as event organizers, as well as accommodations.

As far as I know, this is …

When someone chooses to take the easy path

I posted a while back about my friend Vivian

And in the meantime, Vivian has decided to do a number of things I don't agree with and feel are genuinely dangerous. She has started a new event, and gone on the Vanilla internet and telling her story in a way …

You Gotta Do the Work (forgiveness and atonement in the scene)

After the huge number of consent revelations last year, I befriended one of the consent violators. I've decided to hide their identity. Let's call her Vivian.

Vivian was a well known and generally respected person in the kink scene, and when the revelations happened, she was accused of some very …

The problem with the Guru Mystique

This video about the Hacker Mystique has finally hit Youtube and I want to share it as far and as wide as possible:

(if it doesn't do so already, skip to 6 minutes and 21 seconds in)

When you watch it, please replace "hacker …

The collaborative nature of healthy D/s

In the car the other day, my submissive asked me a question...

I'd corrected her behavior about something and she had found the language I'd used didn't work with her, and suggested a different phrasing that she thought would elicit a better response at the moment.

This is a complex …

A good Dom

Many people search for a good dom and write posts about them. I thought I'd write my own for those of you searching for one:

A good dom:

1. ...makes all your wishes come true.

A good dom will make all your wishes come true, even the ones you didn't …

Consent is always consent, and violence is always violence

There's a new report from the University of British Columbia[1][2] showing that amongst teens, boys are reporting higher levels of violence against them than girls.

This is a surprising result to be sure and I think bares some consideration.

Why this is exactly remains subject to conjecture but …


A friend of mine came to me recently saying he could not longer be in the kink community. After months of harassment, he couldn't handle the negativity and decided to leave.

My friend hasn't been accused of a consent violation, only of being someone that some people don't like, and …